The 10am service will not be livestreamed this week, we apologise for the inconvenience. The 5pm service will be live streamed.
Venue Change: Campus Church will meet at Ilam School, 66 Ilam Road, on 23rd February. 

Family photo of missionary family

Luke and Naomi Sinclair

Luke and Naomi Sinclair are our link missionaries serving in Japan. They're currently on home service leave to deepen partnerships with their sending churches and will be spending time with us in August. You can look forward to connecting with them at the events and groups listed below.

Sunday 11th August

  • Luke preaching at City, Fields and Campus Church

  • 15-minute presentation followed by Q&A after City church service in Riccarton High School staffroom

  • Presentation and Q&A over dinner following Campus Church at 12a Ilam Rd

Tuesday 13th-Thursday 15th August

Luke and Naomi will join Uniconnect and Network to share the experience of living in Japan, while Naomi will join the Thursday Women's Growth Groups. If you're part of one of these groups, make the most of the opportunity to encourage the Sinclairs and partner together in prayer.

Friday 16th August

The Sinclairs attend junior youth group.

Friday 16th August: Japan through the seasons

Join the Sinclairs as they take you on a tour through the seasons of Japan and their life and ministry there. Luke and Naomi bring the stories of God’s work in Japan close to you. Be inspired and equipped to join Luke and Naomi in support and prayer.

7.30-9 pm, Riccarton High School staff room