Dig deeper into Romans
Check out these resources to help you go deeper into Romans, think further about the implications for our lives and hear about how it has shaped other Christians.
'Romans: Momentous News' by David Cook
50 undated devotions through Romans. $7.50 on the bookstall.'Teaching Romans', vol. 1 & 2 by Christopher Ash
An excellent commentary, especially for small group leaders. Available from the Cornerstone library.'Predestination' by Scott Petty
Introductory level. $8.50 on the bookstall.'Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God' by J.I. Packer
$18.50 on the bookstall, plus available from the Cornerstone library.'Filling Up the Afflictions of Christ' by John Piper
Book of short biographies of Tyndale, Judson and Paton. $10 on the bookstall, plus available from the Cornerstone library.'Unexceptional: Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things through God' by Sharon Dickens
Stories from women in ministry. $15 on the bookstall.'A Company of Heroes: Portraits from the Gospel's Advance' by Tim Keesee
Stories of gospel workers in the hardest places. $22.50 on the bookstall, plus available from the Cornerstone library.'The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness' by Tim Keller
$5 on the bookstall, plus available at the Cornerstone library.'Romans' by Psallos
An album of music and poetry based on all 16 chapters of Romans. Stream on Bandcamp or Spotify.